Ethics and Compliance at Groupe ADP

Ethics and compliance, defined as compliance with laws and regulations but also with Group's values, are a lever of confidence with regards to all   Group stakeholders. The whistleblowing system is one of the main pillars of the Ethics and Compliance program. It is a complementary channel for employees to disclose some breaches and questions concerning Ethics and compliance. Whistleblowing aims at supporting progress.

Accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, it is founded on 4 commitments:
• The protection of the whistleblower if acting in good faith;
• The presumption of innocence of the persons targeted by the whistleblowing;
• The appropriate behavior of the parties involved in the reporting and the processing of the alert and the processing  of the alert;
• The respect of confidentiality, in particular concerning the identity of the whistleblower.

It allows questions to be asked about sensitive situations or to report facts that are contrary to the Group's values and the rules in force (laws and regulations, to consult the code of conduct click on the link
You can connect to your question or report at any time using the confidential code that was generated when whistleblowing and was sent to you when you reported the problem.
To know

Who can use this whistleblowing system? And how can it be used?
The whistleblowing system is open to all Group employees (including subsidiaries) but also to employees of suppliers and service providers. It remains a complementary mechanism to existing recourses:

  1. Managers,
  2. Expert networks (HR...) 
  3. Ethics and compliance officers within the entities when they exist.
Suppliers and third parties must, as a matter of priority, use the whistleblowing channels available to them within their companies.

Your alert will be securely treated
The whistleblowing treatment process is defined in an internal charter: Charter for dealing with ethical alerts and compliance.pdf.The whistleblowing system is administered by a secure system in collaboration with two partners ( and ADIT) subject to confidentiality commitments and guaranteeing data protection (encrypted and password-protected reporting process) and which can accompany us at certain stages of the investigation). 

Data processing
This whistleblowing system constitutes the treatment of personal data under the responsibility of Group ADP, legitimized by anti-corruption laws (Sapin II, FCPA, UK BA...) but also the Potier law (duty of care). The data is collected and stored according to the methods described in the alert processing charter. They are hosted in France, in a secure and encrypted way by "" which does not access personal data. You have the right to access and rectify your data. These rights can be exercised via the secure messaging system made available on the platform or by contacting the Data Protection Officer by email at or by post: 1 rue de France, 93290 Tremblay en France. If after contacting it, you consider that your rights have not been respected, you can make a complaint to the National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties (NCIL). 

The whistleblowing system is a protection for everyone and for the company.
Let's contribute to business ethics!